A farm in Yangshuo county

In the Guilin area of Quangxi province, the town of Yangshuo is a very popular stopping point for the boats that cruise down the Li river through the strange and fascinating karst hill formations. Apart from the river tourist trade, many people make a living by farming. This village near Yangshuo has many osmanthus tree…

Qingdao waterfront

Qingdao : A former German trading post and concession on the northeast China coast, famous for beer, now a huge city, one of the ten largest in China. People still dig for shellfish at low tide on the seafront. Qingdao : Sur la côte nord-est de la Chine, autrefois un comptoir commercial allemand , renommée…

Kagoshima Bay

Kagoshima : a city with a volcano on it’s doorstep, just a couple kilometers out in the bay. Smoke and ash are a daily diet here. Kagoshima : La vie en face du volcan, 2 ou 3 km au loin dans la baie. Fumée et cendres sont au menu quotidien de cette région.

Flora in the steam room

In Beppu, the hot springs and steam serve many purposes. One of them is to heat floral pools and greenhouses. A Beppu, la vapeur et les sources chaudes servent à de multiples fins y compris à chauffer des serres permettant de cultiver une flore tropicale.

Boiling mud and steam

The Hells of Beppu: Hot water, steam, boiling mud, everywhere. Steam used for cooking, hot water used for bath houses, many pools too dangerous to get too close. This is Beppu, a small city on the north east coast of Kyushu island, southern Japan. Hard to believe the pressure cooker underground has not blown its…

National Palace Museum

This museum in Taipei contains some of the very best pieces from the art collection of the former Chinese imperial family. The pieces in this museum were moved many times during the turbulent period between the Mukden incident in 1931 and the evacuation to Taiwan in late 1948. To prevent them falling into the hands…

The view from 101

Taipei 101. The world’s tallest tower from it’s completion in 2004 until the opening of a taller building in Dubai in 2010 and first building to exceed 1/2 km in height. The view from the top is stunning and equally hard to photograph due to barriers, glass, etc. Taipei 101. Le plus grand gratte-ciel au…

The intermittent lake

In the limestone garrigues region of southern France between Avignon and Montpellier and between the sea and the Cévennes range, the few lakes that exist are mostly the result of flood control dams on the local rivers. After the violent rains of the autumn, surface water flushes rapidly away to the sea or disappears into…

Wuling farm

Wuling farm: a high mountain valley, formerly serving as a rest and work area for retired ROC soldiers, (including a country villa once used by Chiang Kai-shek) now a recreation area. The valley is at about 1700 to 2200 m altitude, contains tea and coffee plantations, fine floral displays, and the trailhead for the hike…

Road to Wuling

Public transportation to the Wuling Farm recreation area (located in the Shei-Pa National Park) in Taiwan is by bus. It leaves from the east coast city of Ilan and follows the Lanyang river. For 30 to 40 km it’s a diet of stunning views, steep hillsides and cabbage farms !! La vallée de Wuling est…


On the east coast of Taiwan, away from the bigger cities, the mountains plunge steeply into the Pacific. Near Hualien, the Liwu river reaches the sea after passing through deep gorges cut through black and white marble, This is one of the country’s finest natural attractions. Sur la côte est de Taiwan, près de la…

Le ventoux

Image d’entête : Le sommet du Ventoux en ligne de mire depuis Courry – environ 70 km. Image ci-dessous : Le Ventoux depuis l’Uzège. Tours d’Uzès à l’avant-plan. Header image : The Ventoux sighted from Courry – about 70 km away. Image above : same, sighted from a town near Uzès. Tower of Uzès in…

Yingge – ceramics in Taiwan

Yingge district, Taipei County, specialises in ceramics and porcelain. …many shops with outstanding pieces on the old street (鶯歌老街) and a remarkable ceramics museum to visit too. Le district de Yingge, près de Taipei, se spécialise en la fabrication de porcelaines et céramiques. Dans la ville, une rue commerçante (鶯歌老街) propose des produits de grand…

The Vis Canyon

Looking down into the canyon. near navacelles, September 2014

Qingdao Horticultural exposition 2014

In an exhibition site fifty km from the city centre, it was big, impressive, enormous. Few foreigners in attendance, but at least one Taiwanese citizen and a member of the French communist party paid a visit. They let the communist party visitor in for free. L’expo s’est tenu à 50 km du centre ville de…

Parasols in Qingdao

Seen in a pavillion at the Qingdao International Horticultural Exhibition : A few days before the closure, October 2014. Vus à l’exposition internationale horticole de Qingdao en octobre 2014, quelques jours avant la fermeture.