Wuling farm

Wuling farm: a high mountain valley, formerly serving as a rest and work area for retired ROC soldiers, (including a country villa once used by Chiang Kai-shek) now a recreation area. The valley is at about 1700 to 2200 m altitude, contains tea and coffee plantations, fine floral displays, and the trailhead for the hike…

Road to Wuling

Public transportation to the Wuling Farm recreation area (located in the Shei-Pa National Park) in Taiwan is by bus. It leaves from the east coast city of Ilan and follows the Lanyang river. For 30 to 40 km it’s a diet of stunning views, steep hillsides and cabbage farms !! La vallée de Wuling est…


On the east coast of Taiwan, away from the bigger cities, the mountains plunge steeply into the Pacific. Near Hualien, the Liwu river reaches the sea after passing through deep gorges cut through black and white marble, This is one of the country’s finest natural attractions. Sur la côte est de Taiwan, près de la…

Yingge – ceramics in Taiwan

Yingge district, Taipei County, specialises in ceramics and porcelain. …many shops with outstanding pieces on the old street (鶯歌老街) and a remarkable ceramics museum to visit too. Le district de Yingge, près de Taipei, se spécialise en la fabrication de porcelaines et céramiques. Dans la ville, une rue commerçante (鶯歌老街) propose des produits de grand…

Qingdao Horticultural exposition 2014

In an exhibition site fifty km from the city centre, it was big, impressive, enormous. Few foreigners in attendance, but at least one Taiwanese citizen and a member of the French communist party paid a visit. They let the communist party visitor in for free. L’expo s’est tenu à 50 km du centre ville de…

Parasols in Qingdao

Seen in a pavillion at the Qingdao International Horticultural Exhibition : A few days before the closure, October 2014. Vus à l’exposition internationale horticole de Qingdao en octobre 2014, quelques jours avant la fermeture.

A parasol in Nanjing

Keeping out of the sun on a hot, hot day in the park C’était une journée éouffante au parc. Nanjing, 2014

The lake

A lakeshore stroll on a sunny autumn day, Nanjing China