In tourist guide books for Porto, no matter which one you use, of the top 10 sites recommended, 8 or 9 are churches. We don’t mind visiting churches, even the baroque heavily over-decorated ones in Porto, but if you want a break from the church run, try the Palacio da Bolsa. Built in the 19th…
Category: Portugal
Solar de Mateus
The Solar de Mateus, near Vila Real in northern Portugal : Famous for the baroque palace and the manicured gardens. Famous for what else ? Rosé wine, of course. Le Solar de Mateus, près de Vila Real au nord du Portugal. Célèbre pour le palais baroque, et les jardins soignés. Mais aussi pour autre chose…
Quinta do Boa Vista
Funchal : Seems like there are a lot of these Boa Vistas around the planet. There is one in Rio de Janeiro for example. But this one is an orchid collection in Funchal, Madeira. A little difficult to find and somewhat run down, the location was the victim of bad winds and rain storms a…
Wet days on the island
Sunny Madeira does not always live up to it’s reputation. When it gets wet, it is very wet. L’île ensoleillée de Madère : sa réputation est faite. Mais ce n’est pas toujours le soleil qui domine.
Ribeira do Pico
Serra de Agua, Madeira : In the Ribeira do Pico valley, farming on hillside terraces is the only way to go. Beacuse : little or no naturally flat land. Serra de Agua, Madère : Si on veut cultiver ses légumes ici dans la vallée de la Ribeira do Pico, il n’y a pas d’autre choix…
Wild garlic, Cabo de sao Vicente, Portugal
Cabo de sao Vicente is the southeasternmost tip of continental Europe. Le cap St Vincent est le point le plus au sud-est de l’Europe continental.