
Colmar is a city in the Alsace region of France. However, this Colmar is not in France – it’s in the jungle.


While he swallows a rock, the snake is waiting Il engloutit la montagne alors que le serpent attend

Looking up

Des touristes viennent ici de la planète entière pour voir ce pic emblématique. Un instant de ciel dégagé est cependant extrêmement rare. Beaucoup partent sans avoir vu quoi que ce soit. Tourists come here from the most distant of cities to see this extraordinary peak. A moment of blue sky is, however, extremely rare. Many…

In the Forbidden City

A huge stone carving graces the centre of this stairway. Over 300 tons of rock ! Un haut-relief en pierre pour le centre de cette escalier – poids ? plus de 300 tonnes.

The original Perrier spa under cold and fading winter light

In an overgrown swampy forest near the town of Euzet-les-Bains, stand the ruins of a once significant thermal establishment and spa. In 1875 a certain Dr Louis Perrier became director of this already well known spa, where the waters were known for their curative properties since the end of the 17th century. The spa thrived…